Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile 52: 51-66 (2003)

Nota fitosociológica sobre las asociaciones forestales del parque nacional tolhuaca (Chile)

Federico Luebert; Rodolfo Gajardo; Marlis Estay


Se reconocieron las asociaciones forestales presentes en el Parque Nacional Tolhuaca (38 12' S, 71 41' W), utilizando la metodología fitosociológica de la escuela de Zürich- Montpellier. Las asociaciones fueron agrupadas en dos clases: Wintero-Nothofagetea y Nothofagetea pumilionis-antarcticae. En la primera, se ubican tres asociaciones: Dasyphyllo diacanthoidis-Nothofagetum alpinae, Nothofagetum procerae y Nothofagetum dombeyi- alpinae. En la segunda clase se ubican cuatro asociaciones: Anemono antucensis-Nothofagetum pumilionis, Carici trichodes-Araucarietum araucanae, Lomatio hirsutae-Nothofagetum antarcticae y Mutisio-Berberidetum darwinii.


Phytosociological note on the Tolhuaca National Park (Chile) forest associations. The forest associations present in the Tolhuaca National Park (38 12' SL, 71 41' WL) were identified, using the phytosociological methodology of Zürich-Montpellier school. The associations were grouped in two classes: Wintero-Nothofagetea and Nothofagetea pumilionis-antarcticae. In the first one, were found three associations: Dasyphyllo diacanthoidis- Nothofagetum alpinae, Nothofagetum procerae and Nothofagetum dombeyi-alpinae. Within the second class were found four associations: Anemono antucensis-Nothofagetum pumilionis, Carici trichodes-Araucarietum araucanae, Lomatio hirsutae-Nothofagetum antarcticae and Mutisio-Berberidetum darwinii.
